The building is a testament to the integration of Czechoslovakia into the European avant-garde, its architecture inspired by the great names of its time and by scientific theories of construction. But for me it is much more than that, it is an authentic work, full of artistic expression. On the outside, a house with a clear concept and order, inside a relaxed composition of shapes, materials and colours that works with light as a fourth dimension. Thus offering a different and unique perception of space at every time of day.
Ing. arch. Marek Tichý
Marek Tichý
Architect and Author of the Reconstruction
Of course, I really like the original bathrooms in the villa and the humorously story-ridden Luxfer wall in the hall; I also like the palace enfilade on the ground floor, the staircase as an embedded sculptural object, and the evening view of the lit-up villa from the driveway.
Markéta Čejková
Historian of Architecture
Modrá koupelna
Overwhelmed is probably the best word. The generosity of the spaces, the perfection of the layout, for comfortably luxurious living. Yet I've never had the slightest sense of ostentation, everything is so obvious here.
Radomíra Sedláková
Historian of Architecture
The Volman Villa is a unique example of late 1930’s Czechoslovak functionalism, which combines the rationalism of functionalism at its peak and the new formal morphology of organic architecture. The plasticity of the form and the work with various materials and colours make it a complex sculptural and emotionally shaped work.
Adam Štěch
Curator and Journalist

Iconic Houses

We are a new member of the Iconic Houses global network, a prestigious international group connecting architecturally significant 20th century houses and studios that are also open to the public. The Volman villa is now included among the world's modernist icons and represents the Czech Republic on the map of modern architecture.

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Wrote about the villa



