
Ikona kontaktů
Opening hours

After previous agreement or recording to
the current events.

Volmanova vila, z.s.

Stankovského 1200/46
250 88 Čelákovice
GPS: 50.1652281N, 14.7354817E

IČO 17364663
č.ú. 123-8342480207/0100

Zuzana Kadlečková

Curator and chairperson of the Volman Villa Association

She is bringing the forgotten jewel back to life and helping to bring the villa to the deserved awareness of the Czech and foreign public. In the past she worked for international brands and the National Gallery in Prague. She left her career to devote herself to a project connected with her family. She considers the rebirth of the villa as her life goal. Zuzana lives and breathes for the villa and spreads her enthusiasm further. She often leads guided tours and if you are lucky you will meet her right on the stage of the villa.

Hire the premises

The representative premises of the Volman Villa can be hired.

We will prepare a price calculation for you individually, just fill the form or contact us by email at

Horní hala s výhledem do okolí

Contact form

Děkujeme za váš zájem, obratem se vám ozveme!
Při odeslání se vyskytly potíže, prosím zkuste nám napsat znovu, nebo nám zavolejte na tel. 603 400 602.